Common Currency Replicas
Replicas of major currency rarities are very common. In the 1960's they were produced as promotional items for cereal boxes. Most ranged from Colonial Currency and Obsolete Bank Notes from the early to mid 1800's to issues of the Confederate States of America. Today the same replicas are often sold at Civil War battlefield gift shops and other history related gift and novelty shops. Most replicas are printed on a yellowish-brown paper that is generally very stiff and even brittle. Today, none of these notes are valuable. Here are some of the commonly seen issues.
New York Currency $10 1776
Citizens' Bank of Louisiana $1 18__
New Jersey Eighteen Pence 1776
Canal Bank $100
Georgia $4 1777
The Bank of United States $1000 1840
North Carolina $4 1778
Confederate States of America $1 1862
Delaware Five Shillings 1776
Confederate States of America $1 1864
State of Mississippi $1 1870
Confederate States of America $5 1864
State of Mississippi $3 1870
Confederate States of America $5 1864
State of Mississippi $10 1863
Confederate States of America $50 1864
State of Mississippi $20 1863
Confederate States of America $100 1862
State of Mississippi $50 1863
Confederate States of America $500 1864
State of Mississippi $100 1863
Confederate States of America $1000 1861
State of Mississippi $100 1862
Republic of Texas $3 1840
Virginia Treasury Note $100 1862
Republic of Texas $50 1839
Bank of North America $1 1862
The Government of Texas $20 1838
The Corporation of the City of Albany $.10 1862
One Million Dollar Note $1,000,000 1996
Serial Number: G85018749A
The Presidents Bank $5 1852
One Million Dollar Note $1,000,000 1996
Serial Number: C34387269A